thank you very much
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Diskuzní fórum
Datum 21.03.2023
Vložil Kkkzellavelm
Titulek Thanks, I've been looking for this for a long time
Thanks, +
Datum 21.03.2023
Vložil Pouringvog
Titulek forensic research of documents (handwriting). Also handwriting
Odpovědětmanuscripts attributed to Robins
Datum 21.03.2023
Vložil TobiasMow
Titulek Cool, I've been looking for this one for a long time
Odpovědětvery interesting, but nothing sensible
written on the parchment was scratched out
Manuscript is a collective name for texts
Middle Ages as in Western
handwritten by the author.
manuscripts underwent in the Middle
number of surviving European